3 Fantastic Steps to Create a Compelling and Meaningful Facebook Post


3 Fantastic Steps to Create a Compelling and Meaningful Facebook Post

Course Objective: 

To learn about new possibilities for business development and marketing in the new social media landscape, and how to use the right techniques to create a social media posting in Facebook.

Learning Outcomes:

As a participant, at this program's conclusion you should be able to: 

1. Practice the skills and techniques in the SOSTAC model leading to producing a Facebook post. 

2. Describe the ways of using the ever-evolving social media marketing tools.

Target Group :

High School Leavers, Diploma & Degree holders with work experiences. The course targets professionals that either work with or, are interested in how companies can transform digitally. No specific pre-knowledge is required.

Targeted Industry/Industries:

It applies to executives and managers in many businesses, wide range of organisations and sectors who have responsibility for ensuring that work teams adopted the digital transformation due to COVID-19 challenges.

Particularly teams that responsible for business developments in digital marketing.



Available resources for the course can be downloaded below.  

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